Recommendation from
the world of truth
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The chapter from the Leviticus book
(on the right - the number of the chapter, the number of the verse)
We searched in Torah for such inclusions of words and expressions where the letters are distanced from each other on the equal number of skipped Torah's letters. Thus, the title of the "Ken Torah" book was found by the distance of 38 letters. It means that this expression can be compiled by taking each 38th letter in Torah. In the era of computerization, this method is widely spread and brings us meaningful results that prove the truth of our sages' words: "Torah contains everything".
The search in Torah was fulfilled by means of SOF software, which was kindly offered to me by Prof. Eliyahu Rips. In the pictures compiled according to the results of the search one can see the searched words marked by different colors. In addition, in the lower chart each word is supplied with its skip number.
In the center of the above mentioned fragment one can read the title of the book "Ken Torah"
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In parallel to the title of the book one can see (from the top to the down) - a phrase "request for the recommendation"
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![]() In addition, the program "SOF" gives the possibility of calculating the probability of finding in Torah a word with a definite skip. The probability of finding by the skipping of equal number Torah's letters a word combination "Ken Torah" is equal to 0.67.
Please note, the longer the word the less probable to find it in the text, and if, nevertheless, it exists, it is meaningful.
Thus, the probability to find "ArizalRashi" word in the text is pretty small and equal to 0.045. The same is regarding "request for the recommendation". The probability to find it is equal to 0.05.
Therefore, the fact that both of these expressions are close to the title "Ken Torah" means that this is not occasional, and that this "meeting" is meaningful
The opinion of Contemporaries
![]() "I would not find words to express my gratitude for this great -without any exaggeration- book which meets with the top of Universe. I would also like to mention the conjugation of open and mystery parts of Torah with science …"
Rabbi Dov ha Cohen Katz, the sofer in Willyamsburg, USA
"Thank you very much for your interesting ideas"
Rabbi Ariel Fergun, the author of the book "Eretz malhut shamaim"
"A very, very interesting book …"
Rabbi Moshe Shapiro, one of the famous authorities in the field of Kabbalah and Jewish philosophy