Existence of
divine providence now is proved mathematically!

What is divine providence?
The word "providence" comes from Latin providentia "foresight". The current meaning of the word "Divine Providence" derives from the sense "knowledge of the future", which is the privilege of God.
Divine providence is discussed by all of the major thinkers, but its extent and nature is a matter of dispute. Nachmanides ("Ramban") holds that the Creator endowed the Universe with physical properties, and sustains the natural order, and that any act of divine providence involves, by definition, an intrusion into the laws of nature. In Ramban's view, reward and punishment are the typical expressions of such holy providence.
All events (natural or providential) are the result of the direct will of God, and, as such, the seemingly natural order of the world is an illusion. And the Divine Providence is thus exercised in a "seemingly natural" manner. Thus, whereas the fate of the Jews as a nation is guided by holy providence, only the righteous and the wicked can expect providential treatment. The fate of more "average" individuals is primarily guided by natural law.
According to Maimonides ("Rambam") divine providence is an essentially natural process. For the jewish nation here individual providence depends on the development of the human mind: that is, the more a man develops his mind the more he is subject to the providence of God. Divine Providence is, in fact, a function of intellectual and spiritual activity: it is the activity, not the person that merits holy providence. "Divine Providence is connected with Divine intellectual influence, and the same beings which are benefited by the latter so as to become intellectual, and to comprehend things comprehensible to rational beings, are also under the control of Divine Providence, which examines all their deeds in order to reward or punish them. It may be by mere chance that a ship goes down with all her contents or the roof of a house falls upon those within; but it is not due to chance that in the one instance the men went into the ship, or remained in the house in the other instance: it is due to the will of God, and is in accordance with the justice of His judgments, the method of which our mind is incapable of understanding" (The Guide for the Perplexed 3:17).
Rambam therefore defines Divine providence as that which facilitates intellectual attainment as opposed to as an instrument of reward and punishment.

What new
has been reveal about
the divine providence?

1. Divine Providence in statistics of terror attacks victims
The book explains that, according to Kabbalah perception, Arabs subdivided to 2 large groups.

Based on an understanding of the characteristics of each group, there was a hypothesis that the terror attacks perpetrated by suicide and those who shoot from ambush, with the intention to stay alive are made by people belonging to different groups
Since each group has committed a crime, seeking to achieve their specific spiritual purpose, so, based on the data about 1000 victims of the Intifada in 2000-2003, a study was carried out, which revealed who has a higher probability to dye in this or another kind of terrorist attack.
Jews still preserved subdivision to priests (Cohanim), who are directly involved in bringing the Temple sacrifices and Levites, who fulfilled in the Temple service functions, and all other - so called Israelis.
Priests have the highest status of sanctity, followed by the Levites, who on the one hand also served in the Temple, and on the other hand, by performing their service functions, have the best features of Israelis.

Sometimes, belonging to priests (Cohanim), and the Levites maybe identified by name, for example, Cogan, Levy, or their derivatives. The study, based on the Israeli Yellow Pages, revealed the typical percentages of the similar names among others.

Then the same process was proceed with the given names of the deceased from various kinds of terrorist attacks. It was found that the percentage of deaths among the Levites, two times higher than their average percent of the population, and this percentage does not depend on the type of attack. As was mentioned above Levites represent in the best manner two components of sanctity - of the Temple and of Israelis in general.

Same percentage of killed priests in the total number of victims almost no different from their percent of the population. But when we look at the percentage of dead priests within each group separately, we get a completely different picture.

Among those who were killed by suicides the percentage of priests, one and a half times lower than the average percent of the population. A percentage of priests, killed by the bullets of terrorists wanted to remain unharmed in one and a half times upper the average percent among general Jewish population.

Thus, two types of terrorist acts are like two poles of how one draws to a priests (Cohanim), and another repels. Explanation you can find in the book.

Israeli Yellow Pages
Percentage of Cohanim
Percentage of Levites
Ratio between the number of Cohanim and the number of Levites (Cohanim/Levites)
Jerusalem 02
Tel Aviv 03
The South 07
Valley 08
The North 06
Haifa 04
The average for the entire country
The victims of the terror in 2000-2003 years
Percentage of Cohanim
Percentage of Levites
killed by all terror attacks
killed by firearms terrorism acts
killed by acts of suicide terror

See Hebrew text about this evidence of holy providence

2. Divine Providence in statistics of the fallen Israeli soldiers
As we can see from the above chart, the number of Cohanim and the number of the Levites in the total number of people expose to strong fluctuations of 1.4 to 2, with an average value of 1.57, and did not reveal any consistent pattern. But in case, we will calculate the relevance among the dead a picture will be totally different.

Among those who killed in the wars of Israel, according to official data placed on http://www.izkor.gov.il/izkor40.htm on 26.04.06 there were 583 bearing the name of Kogan or its derivatives - and 389 bearing the name of Levi, or its derivative.

The ratio between them is exactly 6/4: 583/389 = 1.499 = 6/4.

It is the same ratio between the number of those who dead in two kinds of attacks. By the summer of 2003 457 people were died from the suicides and 307 - were killed by shooting. The ratio between these figures also gives 457/307 = 1.49 = 6/4.
It evidently shows that the Hand of Providence handles those who fall into one or another kind of terrorist attack. Why the ratio is equal to 6/4, and what is behind these numbers is clarified in the book.

See Hebrew text about this evidence of holy providence

3. Bible Providence in precise execution of Daniel's prophecy prediction
The prophet Daniel in chapter 8:14 identified some time: "Unto the evening and the morning, even two thousand and three hundredth days: then shall the Sanctuary be cleansed again". The book describes the origins and roots of Christianity, revealed his relationship with the teachings of the sect of Essenes and based on the Sources proved the existence of two Jesus, with the precise identification of his personality and date of life of the first of them. About him Daniel prophesied in the above quotation, and accurately predicted the years of the spread of Christianity.

See Hebrew text about this evidence of holy providence

4. Divine Providence in genetic structure of human's body and in the regularities of genetic diseases
Total in the human body there are 24 different types of chromosomes, a kind of reminiscent of the two wings of dragonflies, originating from a one center.
The book gives explanation that this type of structure and the number generate an interaction between each other wings of the angels of two kinds described in the prophets Isaiah (6:2) and Ezekiel (1:6).
One of them has 6 wings, and the other - 4. The interaction of each with other provides a 6*4 = 24 types of chromosomes.

Thus, we can understand the special features of chromosomes: six of them have one of the wings degenerated, and so if dried. And the Talmud says that when the Temple was destroyed, one of the 4 angel's wings became dry. We find that during this wing intersection with the 6 winged angels of another type appear 6 generated chromosomes with a dried arm.

In addition, the similar manner of chromosome's creating explains why frequently the same genes are duplicated on a large number of chromosomes - the root of this gene may be located in one of the wings of angels, which, through interaction with the wings of angels of another kind expand it to many different chromosomes.

The book defines the exact correspondence chromosome arms with the wings of angels of every kind. Besides, on the basis of scientific evidence reveals the pattern in the number of blood cancer, and explains why the exact number of subspecies of cancer is 250 (based on data from University Hospital, Poitiers, France http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/Tumors/Tumorliste.html)  matches the total number of Egyptian plagues calculated by Rabbi Akiva in the Passover Haggadah.

Moreover, amazing regularity we found in the Jewish genetic diseases, according to their number and distribution on the wings of chromosomes

See Hebrew text about this evidence of holy providence

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